Heaven: Earth Is Not Our Home







Ever wonder about how incredible Heaven’s going to be?  And, it’s going to go way beyond our wildest dreams.  We can’t really even imagine how amazing and different it will be…All of the intricate details that will fill our new, Heavenly senses.

In Proverbs 12:2, God says not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

Why?  For many good reasons…

For one thing, if you’re of this world, if you’re living for this world, if the cares of this world are beginning to anchor your emotions in this world, you can be influenced by the fear of loss.

On the other hand, if you’re not of this world, your emotions are tied to Heaven.  You don’t even fear death because in your spirit you now know that death will merely transport you to the world you really belong to/in, the Father’s world, Heaven, where every tear is wiped away, your true home, forever.  There’s no loss, there’s no fear there.

Love not this life unto death (Revelation 12:11), and see what God can do in and with your life.

For The Kingdom,

God bless,



Basically, it means a spiritual audacity, running headlong into battle without consideration of the consequences, without fear of death.

Moses knew he would not cross the Jordan.  He commissioned Joshua to lead the people across the Jordan to face and do battle with 31 empires per the Lord’s instructions.  In the sight of all Israel, Moses told Joshua,

“Be strong and of good courage.  Fear not, nor be afraid of them!  For the Lord thy God, He it is that does go with thee.  He will not fail thee nor forsake thee.  “Rak Chazak Amats!””

I don’t remember if I’ve ever written about the many nightmares I had years ago of satan choking and strangling me.  I’ve had to battle, spiritually, most of my life since the age of 11.

Last night, I had some more, similar nightmares.  And, I’ve heard that many people, not just Christians, are being bombarded with thoughts of suicide.  Suicide is on the rise.  People’s hearts are failing them like the Bible said would happen.

There’s no question that we’re in the end times.  So many Jews are coming to Jesus (Matthew 23:39).  The fact that Israel is “back in the land” is the single, biggest piece of evidence that we’re nearing the end of the “time of the Gentiles” and the great tribulation the Bible speaks about.  Satan is attacking mankind with such ferocity.

After getting spiritually attacked again last night, I woke up about 30 minutes before our alarm.  The Holy Spirit prompted me to grab my sword, my Bible, and to begin reading Psalm 91 out loud over and over until the attacks subsided.  At first, I hesitated thinking I was tired and that I don’t want any more attacks.  I mean, why battle the devil when he’s just going to call for more attacks against me, right?  Then, it came over me –


Thankfully, God was calling me to battle no matter the cost and I finally realized He was right.  I got out of bed, and began saying Psalm 91 out loud.  It worked!

This morning, like many others, the peace of God reigned in my heart once I started swinging the Word of God around.  My thinking cleared up and I felt invincible because of The Word and the power it wields in the universe against spiritual wickedness in high places.

No Name is higher than Jesus.  That’s why ALL other names must submit to Him Who is the Word, to His authority.

Saints, if you’re under spiritual attack, don’t just sit there taking fiery darts.  Don’t hold back.   Attack with the Sword, The Word of God. Kill the enemy.  Send them flying in all directions, seriously.

This is no time to mess around with the lies of the enemy.

We’re at a time when Christian programs and complacency will no longer deliver us.  We must learn how to use the Word no matter the cost.  If it costs us friends or family, so be it.


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12

God bless,
