Letting God Build His Wonderful Character In Us

Hello Fellow Christians,

I’m learning more and more that God is much more interested in producing His character in me than anything else He could do for me.  Although it’s been extremely difficult to do at times, as I wait on Him, I’m also discovering that His character creates a freedom, joy, love, peace, rest, a liberating humility and enthusiasm that nothing else could create.

You see, if I had money, fame, and success apart from having God’s character, I’d still be restless, worried, impatient, etc.  I know this because we once had money and it was one of the most miserable times in our lives, really.  All we did was plan and worry over it.  It certainly didn’t bring us God’s character.  I can honestly tell you that.  Once the money was gone, God got our attention and began to put us back on His track to build His life-giving character in us.

His supernatural character is truly renewing my natural character and it’s the most wonderful thing I’ve ever experienced.  Waiting on God (walking with Him no matter what) brings about change in us, and the change, I’m finding out, is what I’ve really wanted all along.  I mean nothing can compare to the real joy, trust, rest and still spirit He’s bringing about in my life.  And, it gets better and better, forever, folks…  ☺

Now, you may ask me how I know that letting God produce His character in us is worth everything.  My answer is simple and it’s the truth.  I know many who’ve sought education, status, money, fame, worldliness, and success who are still miserable because they never took the time to get to know God – at one time, I was like that.  On the other hand, those I know who have stayed with God, through it all, have real (not a superficial) peace and rest in their souls.  Following God is so worth it.

Boy, when I read today’s entry in Joyce Meyer’s “Closer to God Each Day Devotional,” it really blessed me and I could really relate.  I hope it blesses you, too.☺


Be Patient (By Joyce Meyer)

But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may [people] perfectly and fully developed [with no defects], lacking in nothing.
James 1:4 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

James teaches us that we can rejoice when we find ourselves involved in difficult situations, knowing that God is trying our faith to bring out patience.  I have found that trials did eventually bring out patience in me, but first they brought a lot of other junk to the surface – such as pride, anger,m rebellion, self-pity, complaining, and many other things (my natural character – Mark’s edit).  It seems that these ungodly traits, with God’s help, need to be faced and dealt with because they hinder patience as well as other good fruit like kindness, love, humility, and other things (God’s supernatural character – Mark’s edit).

The Bible talks about purification, sanctification, and sacrifice.  These are not popular words; nevertheless, these are things we go through in order to become like Jesus in our character.  God’s desire is to make us perfect, lacking in nothing.  He wants us to ultimately be filled with the fruits of righteousness, which usually requires us to go through some difficulties that, although are unpleasant, do eventually help us mature.

I struggled with the difficulties in my life for a long time until I finally learned that God would work them out for good and use them to help me in many ways.  He simply wants you and me to surrender and say, “I trust You, God.  I believe when this difficulty is over, I will be a better person than I was before it began!”

No matter what you are going through, trust God that you are growing closer to Him each day!


God bless you all,
