Your Heavenly Father’s Always Watching Over You

My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.  He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.  Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
Psalm 121:2-4

Boy, I just keep getting so blessed by God’s faithfulness to bring material across my path that ministers to me, to my needs.  The following really spoke to me and I hope it blesses you, too.

From Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s March Newsletter…

I hope that you’re doing well in the Lord and in the power of His might.

Do you remember when you were a little child and it was easy to be afraid of the dark?  You may have even had a night light in you room to help you overcome your fear.  It’s easy for children to be afraid when the lights are turned out.  You may have even called for your parents in the middle of the night because you thought you saw something move in the darkness.  And your parents may have encouraged you with the words, “Don’t be afraid of the dark, there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

Now you’re all grown up, you’re an adult and a believer.  But it’s still easy to live with fear, worries, and anxieties.  Even in the Lord, you may live in fear of the darkness of the future, worrying about what the days ahead will hold.  Some believers are afraid of the darkness of health problems.  Others are afraid of the darkness of rejection or being alone.  Others are afraid of the darkness of financial problems.  There’s no shortage of darkness to be afraid of.

But just as when we were young and your parents told you, “Don’t be afraid of the dark,” so the Spirit of God tells us the same thing, “Don’t be afraid of the dark.  There’s nothing to be afraid of.”  You see, the enemy works through darkness, but the enemy is nothing to be afraid of.  There’s no comparison between the power of God and the enemy or the power of good versus evil.  When we live in fear, we’re giving more power to the darkness.  And the more we fear the dark, the more we’ll end up stumbling.

God has not called us to be afraid of such things.  So it is written, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me.”  If you’re a child of God, then God is with you and you have no reason to fear:  “for greater is He Who is in you, than he who is in the world.”  And if God is for you, then who can be against you?  So whatever you’ve been concerned about or have had anxiety about, know that it’s only the dark.  In the light of God’s presence, it’s nothing at all.  And in the light of God’s love and power, you have nothing to fear at all.  So be at peace and get some rest, for the darkness has nothing in it for you to be afraid.  And while you sleep, your heavenly Father is wide-awake watching over you.

God bless,
