Heaven: The Shalom Bride

The following is taken from Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s Sapphires devotional for July 5th.










In the Hebrew marriage, when the woman accepts the offer of marriage from the groom, she becomes the bride.  She’s not of her old house anymore.  Her purpose is to prepare herself, say goodbye to her old life and home, and get ready for a better place.  Her purpose is to leave.

In the same way, if you’re born again, you’re now the bride.  It’s not the marriage yet, but the world’s no longer your home.  You’re not here to get rich, famous, popular, or more comfortable, you’re here to say goodbye.

Learn how to say goodbye.  Learn how to say goodbye to your possessions, your past, your ego, your reputation, your old self, your burdens, and your flesh.  This world used to be your home, but it isn’t anymore.  You have something better.

In Hebrew, shalom not only means goodbye, but also hello.  Every time you say goodbye to something in the world, you’re saying hello to something in Heaven.  You’re getting ready to receive the blessings of your new house, the house that will never pass away.

Today’s Mission:  Say goodbye to your past or anything else you need to say goodbye to – and welcome in your blessing from Heaven.

Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;
1 Peter 2:11







Have you ever thought about the fact that God has endless resources or that He knows us better than we know ourselves?  With that in mind, it’s really fun to think about the place He’s prepared for those who love Him.

God bless,
