
I’m more content than I’ve ever been in my life.  And still, Jesus keeps drawing me closer to Him, and making me want more of Him.  It’s so beautiful.

Some time ago, I wrote about a precious, Oregon brother in Jesus, John Mills, who’s now in Heaven.  John lived his life for Jesus.  It was evident to anyone who met or knew him.  His wife, Maryann, is who my wife modeled her own walk with the Lord after.  They’re both such a blessing to our marriage and family.

I was just sitting here thinking about John, his pleasant, warm smile, honesty, and kind demeanor…and about how much peace surrounded him.  John was just so settled in God.  Without saying anything, his life resounded God’s love, rest, peace, and abiding presence like no one I’ve ever met.

At the time we lived in Oregon, I wasn’t settled in the things of God.  I was fearful and pretty keyed up for much of the 12 years we lived there.  I wondered if I’d ever reflect the type of Godly character I saw in John’s life.

There were so many years when I thought Jesus could never really change my broken life.  Inside, I felt so far from Him.

Over the years, God has been instilling His life in me, and settling me down.  I’m so grateful for His work in my life.  Nothing I can think of would bring me more peace and deep satisfaction than being more like John, more like Jesus.

Take my yoke (walk with Jesus) upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart:  and (as a result) ye (me, or anyone else) shall find rest unto your souls.
Matthew 11:29

That’s what I’m finding to be true…In Jesus, I’m finding rest for my soul, and it’s simply wonderful.

Whom have I in heaven but you?  And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.
Psalm 73:25

Lord, You are
Lord, You are
Lord, You are Lord to me.

It’s going to be so much fun to see everyone in Heaven and the new life we’ve all been given there.

Take time to let Heaven linger in your mind today and this weekend.  It’s so joyful to do so.

God bless,
