“Understanding” – The Key To Faith, Peace, Rest and Joy In Jesus

Why am I SO thankful to God for Romans 8:28 and for Merlin Carothers’ books?  Well, having panic disorder, anxiety disease, and other chronic health issues; being taught, from an early age, to react in fear to circumstances, Romans 8:28 began to teach me that I really can trust God with everything.  I can’t begin to tell you what a difference living by faith (understanding that God is working all things together for my good all the time) – and no longer having to live by fear (before I knew God was working everything for my good) – has meant to me, to my family.  That’s why when I get to Heaven, I’ll throw my crown at Jesus’ feet.  I owe Him everything.


The following is taken from pages 3-4 in the wonderful book, “Power in Praise” by Merlin Carothers.  Once anyone begins to grasp what the Holy Spirit is conveying through Merlin’s discussion on “understanding,” fussing, fretting, obsessing and worry begin to fade, and their life takes on a real, Heavenly peace and joy.


“I’ve met many people who are able to praise God for their circumstances simply because they accept the word of the Bible that they are supposed to praise God in everything.  Praising Him, they soon experience the results of an attitude of consistent thanksgiving and joy; and in turn, their faith is strengthened, and they can continue to live this way.

Others find it a little more difficult (I – Mark- was like this).  “I just don’t understand” they say, “I try praising God, but it is so hard for me to believe that He really has a hand in all the horrible things that have happened to me lately.”

We say we don’t understand and some of us get stuck right there; our understanding becomes a real stumbling block in our relationship with God.  But God has a perfect plan for our understanding, and when we use it His way, it isn’t a stumbling block, but a wonderful aid to our faith.

For God is the King of all the earth, said the psalmist.  Sing praises in a skillful psalm and with understanding (Ps. 47:7 AMP).

We’re not supposed to push our understanding out of the way, grit our teeth, and say, “It doesn’t make sense to me, but I’ll praise the Lord if it kills me, if that’s the only way I can get out of this mess!

That’s not praising, that’s manipulating.  We’ve all tried to manipulate God, and it is wonderful to know that He loves us too much to let us get away with it!  We are to praise God with our understanding, not in spite of it.

Our understanding get us into trouble when we try to figure out why and how God brings certain circumstances into our lives.  We can never understand why and how God does something, but He wants us to accept with our understanding that He does it.  This is the basis of our praise.  God wants us to understand that He loves us and that He has a plan for us.

And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into His plans (Romans 8:28).

Are you surrounded by difficult circumstances right now?  Have you been struggling to understand why they have come to you?  Then try to accept with your understanding that God does love you and has allowed those circumstances because He knows that He can bring good out of this for you.  Praise Him for what He has brought into your life; do it deliberately and with your understanding.”

God bless you all,
