Heaven – It’s What This Life Is All About









One thing we keep seeing is that if we keep following Jesus, or we refuse to keep following Jesus, the devil is still going to attempt to take us out.  So, we may as well keep running after Jesus with all our might. ☺

Boy, Ann and I have been getting really hit lately with spiritual attacks.  Fear, doubt, confusion, and discouragement have been trying to sidetrack us.  We think it’s because God’s speaking to us about some new web page ideas to reach more people with “coming out of the darkness” and into God’s marvelous light.  The attacks have been pretty relentless for about two weeks now.  The really exciting thing is that God’s loving us through it all by giving us new insights and by reminding us of what we’ve learned from others.  For example, when Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn followed the Lord’s lead to go to Cuba, Africa, and India a few years ago, he says all hell came against his ministry.  They lost some money, their airline tickets, got attacked with discouragement, had parts of the airplane’s engine fall off, their lives threatened numerous times, etc.  All the time, God kept prompting Jonathan to keep walking against the darkness that was coming against him and his ministry and Jonathan saw God’s deliverance time and time again.  As a result, Jonathan encourages others to keep going with God, especially when the darkness is heavy and scaring you to retreat. ☺

It’s becoming more and more obvious to us all the time that this life is all about Heaven and telling as many people as we can about how God can bring them out of the darkness into His liberating, life-giving and life-sustaining light.












“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant!  You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.  Come and share your master’s happiness!’
Matthew 25:21 NIV

“Well done, faithful servant.”  It’s going to be so wonderful to hear those words from Jesus in Heaven.

Onward and upward…☺

God bless,
