I Will Rest In Your Love

28 Come unto me (Jesus), all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28

Sometimes I think God has brought me so far from the fearful life I was living years ago.  Then, I discover more of His love and care over my life and I realize there’s a never-ending depth to His love and delivering mercy, peace, rest, grace and joy.  We have such a wonderful Savior.

This song (I put it on “loop” and let its loving message sink deep in my spirit.  So refreshing.) reminds me of how incredibly thankful I am that He called me out of the darkness into His marvelous light.  “Thank you, Jesus.”

I Will Rest In Your Love
By Marty Nystrom

I will rest in Your (Jesus) love
Put my trust in Your goodness
And set my thoughts on peaceful things above

I will cast away my cares
And find my joy in Your presence
I will rest, I will rest in Your love


Whom shall I fear, why should I worry?
Your grace is enough for my need
Your joy is my strength
Your peace is my shelter
You faithfully watch over me

(Repeat Chorus)

All of my doubts, all of my striving
By faith I lay down at Your Throne
Your Word is my shield, Your Spirit my power
You tenderly care for Your own

(Repeat Chorus twice)

God bless,
