The “gods” Of This Age

This is a great, short (just over 3 minutes) excerpt from a program Jonathan spoke on.

Also, while I realize our physical bodies can also have issues that we need to address, God can heal us of anything whether He chooses to do so through a miracle or other means.

I’ve included a transcript of Jonathan’s video below in case you wanted it.  Again, I hope you’ll listen to Jonathan’s video.  It’s very timely.

God has called us to stand against the gods of the age.  In America, they don’t talk about idols, but the idols are just as real now.  There’s political correctness.  The thing that happens is, you know, for, if Moses did not stand, nothing would have happened.  You know, we can not accept, the enemy wants all to bow down before him.  He’s the one who wanted Messiah to bow down and so one of the things you see in the Bible is that the people of God are always called to that moment when they have to choose, “I’m not going to bow down to this.”  Moses, “I’m not bowing down to those gods.”  Daniel, “I’m not bowing down.”  Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego didn’t bow down.  The Maccabees would not bow down.  The Apostle Paul would not bow down.  Mordecai wouldn’t bow down, and the Christians wouldn’t bow down which is why they were killed.

The reason was very specific, they would not bow down to say that Caesar was God and offer a sacrifice.  So, all that came from that – Not bowing down is so crucial.  We are called to stand, and this is our time.

You know, we don’t have a choice.  You know, the Jewish people, I said, you know, we have “almost fight” stories, but once they went back to Israel, that was all over.  They knew they had to fight.  If they didn’t fight, they don’t live.  And in the same way, we are called to fight the fight.  We cannot give in.  And so one of the things I say first of all in this age, it’s a prophetic age.  We’re like Elijah.  Elijah would not bow down my knew to Baal.  Well, we are, you have all these things where everybody’s saying you have to accept it, you have to go along with it, you have to be quiet, you have to…We must say, “No, I will not bow down to that false god.  I will not bow my knee to Baal.  I will not give into political correctness, I will not fear.  Come what may, I will only bow down to the living God, and no other god and no other idol.  I will not serve it.  I will not give into it, and I will stand against it.”

We are called to do that, and when that happens – the reason Christians are so in the cross fire now is that we’re the last holdout that’s not bowing down or those who are true, the enemy hates that.  That’s why there’s always fury against those who will not bow down.  But this is our time, and we must stand against the gods.  And, not only prophetically, but even personally, that is that the enemy is always trying to make you, make God’s people bow down to fear, bow down to worry, bow down to temptation, bow down to depression, bow down to discouragement, bow down to your past, and you have to say, “No, I don’t have to take this.  I don’t have to give into this.  I’m gonna fight it.  I’m gonna fight that depression.  I’m gonna fight that god.  I’m gonna fight that fear.  I’m gonna fight that gloom.  I’m gonna overcome because there is only one God.  Therefore, I do not have to bow down to the god of fear, or the god of anxiety, or the god of shame, or the god of impurity.  I can overcome all those things because I have the living God.”

And the other thing is one last thing is that, the other thing we got to know about the enemy, and we were sharing this before, that is, when the enemy always attacks God’s purposes, so he attacks it.  He will especially attack before the big things are coming of God.  He attacked Moses when he was a baby.  He attacked Messiah when He was a baby.  He attacked the church when it was beginning.  He attacked and tried to keep Israel from coming into existence by the Holocaust – That was fury because of what God was going to do.

So the thing is we have to realize something.  If you’re in the will of God – The main thing is to be in God’s will.  But, if you are in God’s will and you’re being attacked, you’re being harassed, you’re being threatened by the enemy, do not fear.  In fact, be encouraged.  It’s a great sign.  It means God has something great for you.  The enemy doesn’t waste his time so he knows what God has for you.  Be strong and overcome and you’re gonna enter into what God has.

God bless,
