Choosing To Persevere

It’s so important for me to remember to be “in Christ.” Often, I run out of energy and resources only to find that Jesus is waiting for me to do so. He wants to help me with whatever I need each moment of the day. I’m finding that not only can I do nothing apart from Him, but that it makes perfect sense to do everything in Him, always asking for His wonderful, infinite, inexhaustible help. I believe this is a large part of what the precious Holy Spirit was trying to tell us in the Bible story of Mary and Martha.

A few years ago, I told Ann, “I don’t really feel like being a Christian today. I’m feeling kind of burned out and dry in my walk with Jesus.” That was when the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart, “Mark, just “be” a Christian today. Be a good, neighbor, loving husband and father today. Don’t get caught up in not feeling like a Christian today. Just do what you know I want you to do. Do what I have taught you about living in Me day-to-day. The feelings will vary from day-to-day and I’m teaching you to follow me regardless of feelings. This will set you free in an important, new way.”

The following was taken from Joyce Meyer’s “Closer To God Each Day Devotional” for today. It’s a real blessing.

Choosing to Persevere

That is why I would remind you to stir up (rekindle the embers of , fan the flame of, and keep burning) the [gracious] gift of God…For God did not give us a spirit of timidity…but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind…
2 Timothy 1:6-7

On difficult days it is helpful to be reminded to persevere in order to fulfill the call of God on our lives. On those days when you feel like giving up, just remember that God has given you the power to hold on!

In the scripture for today we learn that Timothy was a young minister who simply felt like giving up. The fire that had once burned within him was beginning to grow cold. The church in those days was experiencing a great deal of persecution, and Timothy had some fears. Perhaps he felt worn-out and that everything was crashing down upon him. He had reached a place where he needed to be encouraged to stir himself up in faith.

Paul was saying, “Timothy, you may feel like quitting” but I am reminding you of the call on your life. Remember the power of the Holy Spirit that changed your life. He gives you a spirit of power, love, discipline, and self-control.” Paul encouraged Timothy to be stable.

If we have stability, we do what is right even when it is difficult and does not feel good (just “be” a Christian today ☺). Be encouraged today that you can do whatever you need to do. In Christ, you’ve got what it takes!

Giving up is only an option for those who plan to fail in life.

God bless,
