Romans 8:28 – Sweet Surrender

Out of His glorious, precious love for you and me, Jesus desires to restore each of us. It’s true…

Has this happened to you?

I’ll be in a line in a market, or elsewhere, and wonder why my line is moving so much slower than the other lines. This is just one example of what takes place in our daily lives and the type of situation that can make us impatient, discontent, steal our witness for Jesus, our peace, faith and joy in the Lord.

This morning, I had the following thought and found that it is true of my own life and the struggle I’ve had with this world and its ways, my own flesh and the devil’s temptations to keep me keyed up, anxious, jealous, dissatisfied, discontent, in a state of unrest and striving.

Here is the thought –

When you finally surrender (it’s so sweet to do so) your will to God by truly believing Romans 8:28, you will have such joy, peace and rest in your emotions, mind and soul. And, you will have overcoming faith. A new calm and resolve will move into your life that I can only describe as the supernatural favor of the God of the Bible. You’ll have a relaxing and calming assurance that “it will all always work out.”

That line at the grocery store? Well, I can either choose to be out of step with the Lord, act like a primadonna, mad, arrogant, anxious and bitter about it, or I can choose Jesus and let Romans 8:28 allow me to be content and in His peace, rest and joy knowing that He’s in control – Even then. That’s better. It’s life changing. That’s Jesus!

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God bless,
