Practice, Practice, Practice…

Wow, it just hit me – Do you know how valuable you/we are to God? I mean He loves us so much that He makes all things – that’s everything – work together for the good of those who love Him. That’s incredible power and love.

Sure, go ahead and smile over that one.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28.

Renewing my mind to the Word. “Rote” (Repetitive) learning –

Okay, this is how I came to depend on and trust in the truth God gave us in Romans 8:28. I put it into practice…Over and over again – Rote. That’s all I did. Really. Actually, that’s what I do with the whole Word of God. I apply it to situations that come up in my life. I know many of you do the same. I know of no other way to build faith and trust in the Bible than to put it to the test in everyday life – And, it works.

Remember, perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18) and knowing that God is working all things together for my good casts out the fear in a challenging circumstance or situation and reminds me that God is in control and working it for my good.

So, whenever I feel the temptation to fear, strive, worry, doubt, or get jealous over some circumstance in my life, the Holy Spirit reminds me of His promise to me found in Romans 8:28. And remembering this scripture calms me down and reminds me that God has me covered, and that, when submitted to Him, the situation is working for my good.

Practicing the Word of God by applying it to our lives is no different than learning the multiplication tables, parts of speech, etc. What’s 6 x 6? 36, right? Most of us learned that by memorizing our multiplication tables early in life.

It’s the same with Bible truths. It merely takes practice, practice, practice. And, before you know it, Bible truths pop into your head right when you need them, and God’s truth rescues you once again. It’s the most wonderful thing I know of.

Remember, 6 x 6 = 36.

And, circumstances and situations = Romans 8:28. ☺
And, circumstances and situations = Romans 8:28. ☺
And, circumstances and situations = Romans 8:28. ☺
And, circumstances and situations = Romans 8:28. ☺
And, circumstances and situations = Romans 8:28. ☺

Practice makes perfect love cast out fear.

God bless,
