Heaven: Loving Annie Keeps Me “Looking Up!”

I’m sharing the following because I want to keep encouraging everyone to keep looking up. God sees each one of us already in Heaven with all tears wiped away. Praise God! The following is the type of deliverance He brings to those who continue to look up to Him, to Heaven and all of the wonderful resources God has in store for His children.

I hope I can adequately convey the following about loving my wife because it’s becoming so powerful in my life.

I’ve been sick this week and taking Benadryl. Benadryl helps with colds and sleep, but it can really mess with my mind and emotions. It can make me dizzy, lightheaded and much more vulnerable to spiritual attacks, self-pity, fear, anxiety and depression.

I was feeling pretty down yesterday morning when the Lord reminded me to focus on and love the precious wife He’s given me, Ann.

Wow, I keep being amazed at how loving my wife (by thinking of her needs before mine; by seeking her out and reading something about Jesus to her; by making sure she has everything she needs; by being gentle with her, etc.) is setting me free in so many areas of my life. When the enemy’s attacking me with his lies and trying to get me to submit to his will, often, the thing that brings me out of self-pity; thoughts of failure regarding my past; old, relentless, and destructive thought patterns; or that my future will merely be a repeat of the past, the Lord almost always reminds me to love Annie and to remember the covenant of love I made to her on our wedding day – That is, to love her above myself, above my own issues, spiritual oppression and attacks.

You see, Jesus continues to show me that loving Annie interrupts and defeats the lies the enemy attacks my mind and emotions with. It’s really something how loving her stops the lies and brings me back to faith and bright hope for our lives. It gets me back on track to what Jesus tells me each morning, “Come on, Mark. Let’s go, and I’ll show you all the blessings I have for you today.”

What an incredible blessing it is to love my Annie. Thank You, Jesus, for Annie, and for faithfully reminding me about my covenant of love with her.

Keep your eyes on the prize, precious people – Jesus, our Father, the Holy Spirit and Heaven. God has so many rich blessings for those who look up.

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God bless,
