How God Taught Us To Use “Faith”

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In the late 70s, Ann and I had been filled with the Spirit in a tiny, Mexican church in California’s San Fernando Valley. Soon after, we moved to Oregon and were being aggressively attacked by the enemy’s lies.

I’ve stated before about how Ann and I used to tape verses up on the walls of our Oregon home. In order to come against all of the lies and discouragement we were facing early on in Oregon, God was telling us to memorize specific passages that would be used to build our faith and trust in Him. I’ve sent out that list of verses to this email group in the past and the verses are also available on the site.

Three very practical ways God’s taught us how to use and fortify our faith over the last several years are what I’ve labeled the three keys to renewing our minds. These keys are in addition to reading the Word every day.

The three keys are:

Taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)
Praising and thanking God in all things (Ephesians 5:20; 1 Thessalonians 5:18)
Believing Romans 8:28 where God clearly states He’s working all things together for the good of those who love Him.

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God’s teaching us how to “never take fifteen cents worth of nothing off the devil.” In other words, never listen to Satan’s lies that torment and discourage you. We’re so grateful for God’s hand in our lives.

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Onward and upward for the kingdom, and for our liberty in Christ, child of God – Free, indeed!

God bless,
