Money and Marriage

There’s so much pressure today to make money, and to get ahead. The pressure can make us kind of crazy. It can upset our lives, our marriages and our families. It can even hurt other relationships, and especially our relationship with Jesus.


You don’t have wait to go to Christian counseling in order to save your marriage. You can go to improve your marriage. There’s plenty of good information out there on how to improve and safe-proof marriage. All we have to do is seek it out and then be willing to repent (change) of any harmful behavior. If you have a good marriage, why not seek God to make it an even better, thriving marriage?

Be the kind of mate your mate strongly desires to become one with. Don’t be the kind of marriage partner who makes it impossible for the other partner to want to become one with.

Please each other. This is what God has taught us and it’s grown our love so deeply for each other.

God bless,
