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Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10). As long as I remember to “do” what God wants me to do, I have heaven on earth – so to speak – because I’m doing His will. My life is lining up with the kingdom. That’s why I ask the Lord to remind me to adhere to His will whenever I get tempted to “do” things my way, to stop doing His will for whatever reasons.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done as it is in heaven. Mmmm…

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Look up. Let His kingdom come into your life. His kingdom is Romans 8:28, loving my neighbor as myself, loving my wife and laying down my life for her, following Jesus and becoming more and more like Him, peace, love, faith, joy, self control, meekness, humility, forgiveness, and so much more. That’s the good life.

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Not my will, but thine be done in my life, Lord.  You know that’s when I’ll be happiest and free.

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God bless,
