He Is Lovely

Learning to walk with God is learning to talk with – and listen to – Him more and more each day. You might start out talking with Him and listening to Him for just minutes a day. But as you grow with Him, you begin to experience more of His peace, love and joy, and find that you’ll want to be in constant communication with Him every moment of the day.

The Holy Spirit dropped this song into my heart Sunday morning. I said, “How did you know I’d be so blessed by this song, Lord? I wasn’t even thinking about it this morning.” He said, “I made you. I know you well.” ☺

I found the song in youtube and put it on “Loop.” Ann and I played this song all day long and were both really ministered to by it playing in our home. We thought someone else might be blessed by it.

He Is Lovely
Maranatha Singers

I can see that you love Jesus first
It’s plain to me
And that you sit close and hear His heartbeat

For in your eyes I see shinning love
That speaks so clear
And I can hear them saying so sweetly

He is lovely
He is holy
Gave supremely
That all men might see
He is gentle
Risen Savior
He is God

Master Maker, Life Creator, come
And dwell in me
That my heart may know
Your tender mercy

Shine through me that all may see Your love
So full and free
And I’ll declare Your praise
Through endless ages

He are lovely
He are holy
Gave supremely
That all men might see
You are gentle
Risen Savior
He is God

You are lovely
You are holy
Gave supremely
That all men might see
You are gentle
Risen Savior
You are God

What a loving Heavenly Father we have.

God bless,
