Jesus and His Word: The Devil’s Krytonite

Whether anyone believes the following or not, it’s the truth, and everyone will discover it – sooner or later.

Isn’t it funny that we can try all kinds of things to change our lives – to de-stress, to be more happy and carefree? We can do yoga, transcendental meditation, gurus, drugs, alcohol, seminars, running, weights, bike, you name it. But, if we think of getting into God, into His Word, or begin going to a Bible-believing church, people think we’re weak or that we’ve gone off the deep end. That’s because Satan will do anything he can to keep us from discovering God Who is The Way, The Truth and The Life. Satan will let us do a myriad of things as long as they don’t involve God or His Word. The devil is scared to death of God and His Word because he knows it is the only thing that can defeat him, his lies, and his wicked plan for our lives. The Bible is kryptonite to him and he knows it all too well.

Jesus came to set us free – Free from our ways, from the devil and his destructive plan for our lives. No one and nothing else can do what Jesus came to do for us.

Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth (Jesus), and the truth (Jesus) will set you free.”
John 8:31b-32

God bless,
