
The thief (Satan) cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy (our lives, our marriages, our testimonies, etc.): I (Jesus) am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
John 10:10

I heard a pastor on a local Christian radio station yesterday morning while driving to Costco.  His words really ministered to me.  Here are some notes I jotted down when I got home.

God wants to give us His rest.  We tend to want to do things in our own strength.  That’s why we get so worn out.  We don’t take on Christ.  We don’t live “in Christ.”  Reminds me of why I do the three kingdom keys.  God wants to bless my life by showing me how to live “in Christ.”  As I apply God’s Word to my life, as I yield to His Word, I learn to live “in Christ.”  Otherwise, I’m living outside of Christ.


I was getting ready to send out something else today, but I felt I needed to say the following instead.

Spiritual wickedness can be so powerful and deceptive meaning that we’re not even aware of how they’re working in our lives to bring their dark oppression to bare on us.

My wife said something this morning that really sparked a thought.  She said we’re not wrestling with flesh and blood, but with principalities.

Immediately, the Holy Spirit told me these principalities are the ones who kept me in pride, anger, unforgiveness, and all the rest.  They’re the ones who made sure I kept believing the lies (it’s truly amazing how the devil’s lies creep into our lives to make us miserable.  This is why Jesus tells us His truth will set us free from Satan’s lies.) that have held me captive in PTSD.  They kept me from believing and applying the three kingdom keys to my life.  They did this to keep me from being set free in Jesus.  They did not want me “in Christ.”  They know that outside of Christ, they can have their dark impact in our lives.

If you feel an antagonism towards the Word.  If, for whatever reason, you fight doing the Word, it’s most likely the principalities and powers that are keeping you bound somehow.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to help you break free from the influence of these principalities so you can be free and “in Christ.”

One symptom of the work of these principalities, powers and spiritual wickedness I’ve found in my own life is when I sense unrest in me.  I can become easily offended, antagonistic, not able to rest or to lay something down, I sense I need to defend myself, etc.  These are times when I turn to Jesus, when I know I need to get back “In Him.”

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12

And ye shall know the truth (Jesus), and the truth shall make you free (from Satan’s lies we accumulate over the years).
John 8:32

I hope this helps…

God bless,


Note:  While we may not agree with everything a particular church or Christian group teaches or believes, there are times when we can be blessed by something outside the realm of our current understanding of God.