Kimberly’s Insightful And Timely Emails

So, after I had received Dr. Robert Jeffress’ email (the one I sent out in yesterday’s CJED email) last week, Kimberly sent us the below emails. Kimberly’s timing in sending us emails is amazing. Her emails (and others of you) are further confirmation to us regarding God’s plan for Ann and me.


I am so grateful for all of your wonderful reminders! Thank you SO MUCH for living your lives for the glory of our KING!
Last Friday your email inspired! This is the mindset we truly desire to live in, every moment of every day! The great cloud of witnesses are thinking of us and cheering for us, the bride. Your email reminded me of the song by Passion with Kristian Stanfill (I think Chris Tomlin did a version of the song too).
Even So:
“Like a bride waiting for her Groom,
we’ll be a church ready for YOU
Every heart longing for her King, we sing
Even so come, LORD JESUS come
Even so come, LORD JESUS come”

I have a fun story for you:
Along with many of our neighbors, we have always kept bird feeders around our home, welcoming little songbirds to perch and feast, and sing their praise songs. All of our homes are nestled in a green belt with foliage towering over every roof – a beautiful welcome mat for every genre of birdsong passing through. This has been a joyful noise in our neighborhood for many years! Such a delight! Especially in the Spring! The melodious singsong mimics sounds from the tropics!
Well, a couple of years ago, we had a group of hawks move into our neighborhood. At first we noticed a few Cooper Hawks, but this year it’s a larger species – the Red-tail Hawk. We often see two at a time sitting on the branches of our mature trees watching our bird feeders! They have been picking off our little song birds, and a great hush has descended upon our neighborhood. The joyful songs went into hiding as the intimidating screech took dominance in our community. (I can picture Ann shaking her head at this point saying, “This is NOT a fun story!”… But hang in there, Ann – there’s an amazing spiritual parallel!)
About 3 weeks ago, I saw 2 hawks on my property and I walked out and spoke to them, declaring softly, but firmly, “You have three choices here! You can become vegetarians,.. You can pick up your home and move out of this territory,.. Or you can drop dead! Let it be done.” And I felt such great confidence that it was done! Thankfully, we didn’t see much of those predators afterwards! Victory!
So the other day, imagine my outrage when I looked out my dining room window and witnessed a hawk 25 feet up in my neighbor’s tree. It’s head was going down and coming back up over and over. As the head came up, little pieces of grass and feathers floated down. I realized a precious nest was being torn apart, and I was furious! I’m a farm girl. In that moment, I wanted to open my window and to grant myself some target practice time! But my conscience convicted me…. “obey the laws of the land – shooting hawks is illegal.” So I brought my complaint before the ONE who cares the most for HIS lovely creation.
“GOD! The hawks are still here! I want the song birds to move back in!”
In that moment, one small bird flew up and landed on the branch above the hawk! It swooped down and dove at the intruder! Then a blue jay and a mocking bird joined the small warrior! Our LORD used this scene to remind me that HE is in control of the predator… the predator is not the one dominating over this scenario – GOD IS! And HE is using the dark predator… but only as long as it takes to glorify HIMSELF in the greatest way possible! HE knew the song birds would become stronger and more bold and courageous!!!
That’s my new chant! HE is raising up stronger song birds to glorify HIS HOLY NAME.
I felt that peace… you know the peace I’m talking about. That peace that passes our understanding…. it washed over me in a relaxing calm. I smiled and looked back out the window at the hawk. “Your days are numbered.” I declared with quiet, settled assurance! And I apply that to all that concerns me today.
The enemy sent his hoards to trap my precious daughter in darkness this year. GOD is using my foe to bring about a Glory greater than we can imagine! The enemy’s days are numbered! And I found my song – I have my voice back! We are no longer in hiding!
Every encouraging email you send out is a precious song!
Even when we can’t feel it, HE’S working –
Even when we can’t see it, HE’S working –
And every time we praise HIM in the midst of our circumstances,
Every time we move our focus from the power of the storm to the Power of the ONE who controls the storm,
Every time we consider it all joy,
Every time we rejoice –
It’s music to HIS ears!

With Love,
With Joy,
With Hope,
With great Peace,


And another one of Kimberly’s emails sent the day following her above email:

Oh! What a beautiful song!
Thank you for sharing…
And don’t give up, my friends. Total restoration and redemption belongs to you.
As I’ve prayed for you, GOD has assured me HE is healing you completely – in every way!

I am completely undone by the truth that our LORD only trusts HIS most beloved with pain too great for the crowds. HE is so patient.
We are for HIM as much as HE is for us… the invitation is intimate relationship – to truly bear HIS image – but not just in the suffering.
Sometimes I get stuck in the suffering… we bear HIS image in the victory and Resurrection too!
I see HIM crying with us when the attacks are the strongest, and HE’s patiently trusting us to rise up and be HIS bride. We do this together. And HE is not concerned with how long it might take…. we are not time beings. We just surrender to HIS work and trust.
Joining HIM in the dance that fulfills HIS heart! What an honor! What a Joy! Oh, how HE loves us!
And the intimacy HE is drawing us into! Oh! How fulfilling! Healing! Truly satisfying!

It has been a true pleasure to be on this unexpected path. Life definitely has not turned out the way I was expecting. Thank YOU, JESUS! In every twist and turn, the surrender to the new direction has brought greater expectation and hope! Releasing the idea of homeschooling all my children, watching marriage slip through my fingers, relinquishing my ideas of being a worship leader… accepting with joy, the new ways – the new paths – has brought more peace than I thought possible. Like watching the hawk and accepting that GOD is the ONE directing EVERY step, every peck, every screech. We can patiently observe calamity with great assurance in our Loving ABBA who controls the storms. The wind still knows HIS name! HE has done exceedingly abundantly more than I could have ever even imagined. And all I want to do is praise HIM, sing for HIM, worship HIM, and spend the rest of my days in Love with HIM.

…………. I know you know this, Mark ….. Ann knows too …… May I remind you? Because I love you both so very much …..
You were never meant to carry the burden of providing for her. You both have a much better Provider! Not being able to provide was a turn in your path that GOD intends to use for a greater glory – a greater provision – a greater joy than you can imagine.

Keep praising. Keep worshiping. Keep loving.

God bless,

Mark –

Note: While we may not agree with everything a particular church or Christian group teaches or believes, there are times when we can be blessed by something outside the realm of our current understanding of God.