I Was Wrong, I Am Sorry

I remember how faithful God was to get Ann and I into a counselor early in our marriage. We met with him for about 2 years. Our pastors, and many of the people at Christ’s Center Church in Junction City, Oregon also taught us so many wonderful things about marriage. It was such a blessing to have the opportunity to have so much good input and such healthy examples of what marriage could be in Jesus. We took what we learned and applied it to our lives, and we keep adding Godly insights to our marriage at the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Here’s a great way to start out the week. Ann and I heard a Family Life program last week on KPRZ here in San Diego that talked about having a healthy marriage (it can be applied to other relationships as well). They said this was key.

“The six most powerful words in a marriage are, “I was wrong, I am sorry.” If you want a great marriage, make sure those words are a regular part of your vocabulary. If those words are absent from your vocabulary, or if just one of you is saying those words consistently, then it’s a dysfunctional situation that needs help and you need a counselor.”
By Pastor Scott Sauls, author of the book “A Gentle Answer.”

The Heavenly atmosphere that can be brought into a home and marriage is so wonderful when we humble ourselves and follow Jesus.

We love you all. ☺☺♥♥

Thanking and praising God in all things,
