
I really thought that finding God meant I would have worldly success and all its trimmings.  Pretty funny, right?
I didn’t understand that finding God meant that all of His attributes and character, the fruit of the Spirit, etc., would be mine, that He would come to live in me to the degree that He has.  And I know I’m only beginning to see how wonderful He is, how enjoyable His Word is, the immense difference His peace has made in my CCPTSD life.  It may be just one line at a time, but those lines – His Truths – are making me free in ways I could not even imagine before.  Now, I know that His peace is worth more than anything I thought was so important before.  His peace is everything…
The Lord bless you and keep you
The Lord make His face to shine on you and be gracious unto you
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace
And I put the Name of the God of the children of Israel on you and bless you in Jesus’ Name, the Name that is ABOVE every other name.  
Little by little, God’s healing me deep inside.  He’ll do the same for anyone.
Thanking and praising God in all things,