No Other Way Out

Maybe like me, the devil tries to get you to compromise on a regular basis. It’s why I constantly ask for Jesus’ help and that He’ll slow me down long enough to hear His leading on all matters. It’s why I’m always asking Him to show me where I’m deceived.

I know some won’t be able to understand me at times. I’ve come to realize that’s okay.

Years ago, God allowed me to be put up against a wall. He gave me just one way out – I was going to have to learn to believe and apply His Word to my everyday life or I was not going to make it. It’s true. That’s why I’ve become a strong proponent of His Word. For me, His Word, Jesus, is Life. When you’ve been faced with death, you choose Life – Hopefully. I’m so thankful He gave me Life and that He continues to show me how to obtain more and more of Him.

He’s loved me away from the awful darkness I was stuck up against. That’s why I love Him. He’s given, and still giving me Life.

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 14:6

I love you all.

Thanking and praising God in all things,
