
In Jesus’ day, the Jews were expecting a military leader. The Messiah was supposed to set them free from the Romans. Instead, Jesus had another agenda. He did many miracles. They were amazed. But, when it came down to it, they turned their backs on Him. Jesus asked His disciples if they were going to do the same.

What have I expected of Jesus? Who or what did I think He would be? What have I wanted Him to do for me? Hmmm…

Annie and I were sitting in a restaurant last night talking. We’re both pretty tired physically. Annie was talking about some things when the Holy Spirit began welling up in me. I said, “There is nothing as powerful and overcoming as the Name Jesus.” I looked around at the people in that restaurant, looked at the mountains and at the beautiful day it was. I told Ann, His Name is over everything we can see and all that the human eye cannot see as well.

We tend to think of things in our limited human terms in the secular society we live in today.

But, there is the Name that is ABOVE all. While it may not seem like it at times, and while others may not know about the Name, Jesus, and His Word, is all-powerful and we can always, always, always trust in His wonderful, delivering, comforting, secure Name. Always.

We don’t live by our strength alone. No matter how tired you are. No matter what is going on around you. Whenever you feel yourself getting caught up in the moment. Whenever you feel yourself begin to give into the flesh, remember to stay with God. Stay with the Word.

The Word – Jesus – is alive and so real.

Just say His Most High Name, “Jesus.”





Thanking and praising God in all things,
