Break Down the Altars and You’ll Have Success In Christ

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset (entangle) us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
Hebrews 12:1
Having success means having Christ – His joy, rest, and peace – living in you.  How matchless and wonderful.
In Jonathan’s short, youtube video below, I love how he calls us to action and how he states that the fear of man means I’m worshipping man (I immediately thought of the fear of man when he pointed out what fear does to us) in one way or another.  So true.  We need to break free from the fear of man that attempts to ensnare us – at all costs – and walk in God’s will for our life.  Ask God to show you how the fear of man, or any other fear, is keeping you in bondage and apart from the freedoms Christ died to give us.
I’m so thankful God wants us free in Christ.
Thanking and praising God in all things (Ephesians 5:20),
Note:  While we may not agree with everything a particular church or Christian group teaches or believes, there are times when we can be blessed by something outside the realm of our current understanding of God.