There Is A Way That Seems Right To A Man

Unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, depression, pride, striving, jealousy, fear, worry, doubt, self-pity, insecurity, unrest, etc., Giving into these never does me any good.

Following a migraine attack like the one I had the other day, I wrestle with some of the above. I have to be especially deliberate in my thinking during those times because those “ways” can be so appealing to my flesh.

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Proverbs 14:12

Thanking and praising God in all things (Ephesians 5:20),


Note: While we may not agree with everything a particular church or Christian group teaches or believes, there are times when we can be blessed by something outside the realm of our current understanding of God.