Shaking Is Good

We keep choosing Jesus every day because we want only Him. All else is vulnerable and keeps us weak.

The Bible talks about “shaking.” We often “shake” as we live out Jesus replacing us with Him, His ways taking over our lives as we die to our shakable ways. Shaking is very uncomfortable for the flesh where pride, doubt, fear and other works of the flesh reside. It can be really uncomfortable as you learn to trust God and that He’s working all things together for good for those who love Him. When you can’t yet see His bigger picture and plan, you shake. God is shaking everything that can be shaken. He’s been doing this in our lives for a while now (He is still searching our hearts to remove anything that can be shaken, anything in our lives that is not yet His that can make us weak and shake) and it is the most valuable experience anyone could ever have no matter how discomforting it can be because what is left is what cannot be shaken and that is Jesus living in you.

In these end times, God is shaking the earth. He’s doing it to get mankind to look up to Him, to repent, to get them to come to Him and to leave everything else that can be shaken behind.

Learn to trust God as He works His good will in your life and let Him shake all that can be shaken in your life and this world. It is His plan to give us the Kingdom, to give us all that Jesus is.

Thanking and praising God in all things (Ephesians 5:20),


Note: While we may not agree with everything a particular church or Christian group teaches or believes, there are times when we can be blessed by something outside the realm of our current understanding of God.