Annie: The “Word” Is So “Fun”

Right now, the Word of God is so alive with Life. God wants us to feast on His Word so that we come alive like we never knew before.

Yes, there are challenges in this life. And there are times when God does His best work while we learn the blessings that come from those challenges and learning to wait on Him. But God keeps His Word and that transforms the challenges into times where God shows us how faithful and true He is. That is true fun. That is true Life.

Annie and I love to have God’s Word working in our lives and setting us free in ways we had no idea could actually happen in this life. I mean we didn’t have any clue He could surprise us with His truth about our lives that would set us free deep in our spirits. What a blast that is.

Annie and I were talking about how blessed we are to be doing God’s Word. It continues to amaze us how God knows exactly what we need to learn in order to enjoy more of Him in our lives. I said something to Annie about God’s Word coming true about this or that and she said, “The Word is fun.” Her comment stopped me, and I had to agree with her. I began thinking back over a little while and about all the times I was thrilled in my spirit about God keeping His Word to me. We both laughed about how fun the Word is truly is.

How neat is that? God’s Word is so fun – It’s life-transforming, full of adventure, excitement, faithfulness, and surprisingly accurate.

When a person decides to apply God’s Word to their daily life, they are in for the fun of their life. How incredible our Heavenly Father is. And the more of the Word we apply to our life, the more opportunities we open ourselves up to to see and experience all the fun our Father has in store for us. And because He is infinite, the fun only keeps expanding and coming our way.

Thanking and praising God in all things,


Note: While we may not agree with everything a particular church or Christian group teaches or believes, there are times when we can be blessed by something outside the realm of our current understanding of God.