Right Now

The enemy will, at times, make you frustrated with where you are in Christ. He does not want you to enjoy growing in Jesus. If he can make you dissatisfied with where you are in Christ, he can tempt you to give up, to be angry, to struggle, to be frustrated, etc.

Enjoy the process of renewing your mind to God’s Word, to Christ. Don’t loathe the journey to having your mind transformed by the Word that you’re putting into your life. Don’t say, “If I could just be more this or that” to the point that you complain about your walk with Jesus, about your life in Christ. Enjoy where you are right now in Jesus, and let Jesus show you more of Himself in time. He will be faithful to complete the good work He’s doing in you. Rejoice in that, rejoice in Him – Right now.

The neat thing about right now is that it is always “right now.” Hallelujah.

Right now, enjoy Jesus. Rest in His leading in your life. Rest where you are right now in Christ.

Thanking and praising God in all things,


Note: While we may not agree with everything a particular church or Christian group teaches or believes, there are times when we can be blessed by something outside the realm of our current understanding of God.