Jesus Is Different

Spend time in God’s Word. Say it out loud. Let it bathe your spirit that needs Him, and minister to you with its Heavenly truths. Get to know Jesus. Your life will change and be different in remarkable, astonishing ways.

Let Jesus set you free…Mmmm.

I told a dear friend to begin saying Psalm 91, and Psalm 23 three times out loud each day so they could begin to experience the true power in God’s Word.

Yesterday morning, I said Psalm 91, 23 and 34 out loud three times each – actually more than three times each yesterday. It is really wonderful what takes place in my heart when I do this.

Had a migraine yesterday at noon. Hadn’t had an attack in 12 days. ☺

When the storm of migraine flairs up, I can choose Jesus. My Prince of Peace is so faithful to show up.

I don’t know what storms you face, but Jesus does.

Woke up this morning feeling pretty bad – lots of the migraine aftermath like depression and feeling like giving up. I knew those were not Kingdom thoughts. So, I began praising and thanking Jesus right in the middle of the defeating thoughts and oppression. Next thing I knew, God began talking to me about His Kingdom and how different it is from this world and that we can have His Kingdom come into our lives while on earth – “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” (Matthew 6:10)

God was telling me to let His Kingdom into my life by letting Jesus come more and more into my life. He told me Jesus is the Prince of Peace. God told me I can really let His Word take control of my life. He told me that all the verses He gave me to memorize in Oregon were pointing to a totally different way of life than I was used to. His Word told me to love my enemy, to die to self so I could truly live, to let His peace reign in my heart, to be careful for nothing, to forgive others, that I can trust in Him with all my heart, to not be afraid of sudden fear, to be still and know that He is God, that He would supply all my needs, and the rest of the scriptures.

God has His supernatural peace for us if we’ll simply follow His voice. We never need to live like the world. Never. We can actually live care free all the time if we’ll simply do what God tells us we can do in His amazing Word. It was a really special time with God. And the thing is, He conveyed to me that it doesn’t need to end during our special time this morning.

There is nothing more powerful in creation than trusting God. He will give us Jesus’ peace. It can change your whole world.

God’s Word and precious Presence are so real and so different than this world’s ways. He is so beautiful. And Annie and I are only beginning to discover how different and glorious it is to have His Kingdom and His will be done in our lives.

And ye shall know the truth (Jesus), and the truth shall make you free (in real ways you didn’t know that it could).
John 8:32

Thanking and praising God in all things,


Note: While we may not agree with everything a particular church or Christian group teaches or believes, there are times when we can be blessed by something outside the realm of our current understanding of God.